TED Talks You Don’t Want To Miss

I am a huge TED Talk junkie.  I love learning about new ideas and concepts and decided to share some of my favorite talks that relate to personal growth, emotional wellness, and happiness. Enjoy!

The Power of Vulnerability

An amazing talk by Brené Brown, a social worker and researcher, who explores vulnerability and discusses how our fear of vulnerability prevents us from whole-hearted living. Listen to her follow-up talk for more: Listening To Shame.

Why 30 Is Not the New 20

Meg Jay loves working with 20-somethings (as do I) and challenges them to enjoy this exploratory decade while making strategic decisions that will support the 30-somethings they hope to become.

How I Hacked Online Dating

For anyone who finds themselves growing cynical and weary as a result of online dating, Amy Webb offers a straight forward approach to online dating that you may not have already considered. Her straight-forward and analytical strategy is certainly worth a shot.

Confessions of a Depressed Comic

I love Kevin Breel’s honesty and real description of depression.  He discusses his own suicidal ideation and shares how he has coped—how he has learned to survive the judgment of others, the stigma, and self-criticism. Very powerful.