
Your Word for 2018

As traditional New Years resolutions fall out of fashion, new ideas pop up designed to help us regroup and decide how to progress for the next 365 days. Coming up with a word for the year is a popular approach, but figuring out a word that will carry you through the entire year can seem…

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4 Reasons You Are Unhappy

‘The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.’ – John Milton, Paradise Lost Ask an unhappy person why they are unhappy and you’re likely to hear all about the people, life events, and circumstances that have contributed to their negative state of mind. Since…

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Paying For Therapy Out-of-Pocket

Several years ago, I asked if it was worth it to use insurance to pay for therapy. I wrote that blog post before the Affordable Care Act was enacted and I’ve been waiting and watching to see how, if at all, mental healthcare benefits would change. From my perspective as a therapist and life coach,…

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